Thursday, April 11, 2013

Somebody had to do it...

Toast for Bimbos!
Bimbos can't make their own toast, don'tchaknow.
For Bimbos by Bimbos.
It doesn't look toasted to me.
Looks stale.
Shhh...don't tell the Bimbos.
Stale bread might mean toast in Bimbo-ese.
They just leave it out for a few days (because they don't know how to work a toaster).


Heffalump said...

Comments are open! Yay!
You know Bimbo toast could probably be considered gourmet. Gourmet food sometimes takes days to make, so leaving it out to "toast" rather than just toasting it means it is fancier. But what about Bimbos that prefer their toast darker?

Ima Philistine said...

Your expectations are pretty high for a product baked by a cartoon bear, don't you think?

Carrot Jello said...

Heffalump, maybe they should leave it in direct sunlight for days? Dunno.

Carrot Jello said...

Ima, I think not. Besides, it's not baked, it's toasted. Different standards apply.