Wednesday, January 16, 2019

And why...

do they call it "pulled pork"?
Are they really pulling it?
Personally, I think it's just a fancy name for shredded.
Either that, or they just want you to think they went to a lot of trouble.
"I pulled that pork all around the house this morning!"

When does the pulling come in?
Before it's dead?
Did you pull that pork into the shed and butcher it?

If it's fancy you want, then you should call it "pulled porcine".
Whatever you do, don't call it shredded pig!
Shredded has a bad connotation.
Unless your skateboarding.
I'm thinking we (us fancy folks)
should start calling shredded cheese, "pulled cheese"
Yes, at our dinners we'll serve...
Enchiladas with hand pulled cheese on top.
And carrots.
Pulled carrot and raisin salad.
And for breakfast?
Pulled wheat!
It's out back, I'll go pull it for you.

Be careful.
The next time you say, "I'm pulling for you!"
You just might have extra guests for dinner.
Something to think about the next time you try to get all fancy.


Heffalump said...

It gives a whole new dimension to "pull my finger" though...

Millie said...


Especially the "pulled cheese".

"I pulled this cheese so hard it came apart in straight little lines"

Tire Swing Mom said...

From the looks of that picture, things did not go well for poor Arnold Zieffel.

Tarnation said...

This always bugged me. Thanks for supporting me in my obsessiveness.