Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Flattery will get you everywhere.

So my friend came over today to give me some cupcakes.
She said that when someone's birthday comes up,
she thinks about that person, and what qualities she likes in them.
So she said, "Of course you are nice, and kind, and funny..." (of course)
"But I think the one thing that's great about you is that you always leave people wanting more. I don't know if it's your, that's not it, what's the word? Ummm..."
Me: Uh, a.d.d.?
"Yes! That's it! A.D.D.! I always come away feeling like I want more, because you're always off on another subject when I'm still back at the other one."
Yes, it's just a skill I've deve...LOOK! A squirrel!

Seriously, that made my day.

P.S. Go try This recipe for sugar cookies with icing. Liz sent me a box of them (I think the ones in the picture, and they were THE best I've ever had. REALLY, REALLY delicious and super cute. Thanks Liz!


SuzanneF said...

lol! I hope she visits me for my birthday!

Heffalump said...

Complimentary friends are always nice!

Klin said...

I concur. You have a great friend.

You forgot to mention if those cupcakes were yummy. I'm pretty sure they were.

Yvonne said...

Sounds like a great friend.

Jennifer B. said...

Ha ha! Love it.

Jana Nielson said...

So...I love cupcakes. Happy Birthday, late of course!
Snoop Dog is a year younger than you, but I am 4 months older. I'll turn 40 before you...and snoop dog.

Sister Pottymouth said...

Here is what you need the next time you make someone else cupcakes.

lizlaughs said...

That's funny! I must have a.d.d. because I am always changing the subject.

Randi said...

What a fun thing to have a friend say about you. And I love that idea, of going over and telling people what you like about them on their birthday.
Of course, cupcakes are nice, too!!

trixie said...

I OWN that t-shirt "...look a squirrel!" we must be related or some- did you say cookies? I'll be right over

lizlaughs said...

You're welcome. Glad you liked them. Hope you had a happy birthday!

mindyluwho said...

Cupcakes, sugar cookies, and a compliment. What more could a girl ask for on her birthday?

I'm excited to try the sugar cookie recipe. Frosted sugar cookies are my all time favorite dessert ever!

Nobody said...

Okay, I totally agree with her and totally disagree too. I ABSOLUTELY know what she means about wanting more, but it can't be the conversational ADD. Because I have that worse than ANYONE and I certainly don't leave people wanting for more.

You have friends that bring you cupcakes? Lucky.

Millie said...

More Carrot! MORE MORE MORE!!!

I always feel the same way. :)

Stacey said...

After hearing the word "cupcakes",you lost me. I started daydreaming about the delicious-ness of cupcakes. ;)

What an awesome friend!

b. said...

You always leave me wanting mo....look! Bats!

(I love your bats)

S said...

Wow them pumpkins are going wild!
I didnt see a squirrel

Yvonne said...

Sill waiting for MORE : )

aubreyannie said...

what a sweet compliment. i love it when people give unexpected compliments.