Wednesday, January 16, 2019

"Here I come baby. I'm comin' to get ya!"

As we were perusing the, um
hippy crap
wares at the Folk Life Festival,
I looked over and spotted this dude.

He looked a little lonely,
so if you know any foxy ladies,
I know where to find him.


Mom4ever said...

I'm humble enough to admit to my blonde moment...

I saw the lower-case pg and thought "What does page 13 mean?"

I figured it out after following the link. *palm to forehead*

Millie said...

Don't you have any hippie friends??*

I like hippie crap. I'm wearing my stinky Birks without socks, right this very minute.

*This is a private joke you're not in on yet. Call me

wv = moleship, something they sell at hippie crap fairs

Elastic said...

He doesn't need a fox friend he needs a hound to chase him fast enough to lose that stupid tail.

Anonymous said...

Oh, if I were younger, and a fox...

dalene said...

You crack me up.

And I am a hippie, but you knew that, right?

Carrot Jello said...

When I say "hippie crap", I mean it in a loving way.
I bought myself some hippie shoes yesterday.

Klin said...


WV=scrimpun When I go shopping I usually find myself scrimpun on the non-necessities. :D

Nathan said...

Have you ever seen the Far Side cartoon about "Nature's way of saying do not touch?"

I think this picture should be on that list.