Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The wearing o' the green

So yesterday, I made white bread, and it actually turned out well.
I think.
I'm not positive, because of the color and all...

It only took 2 hours, imagine that!
I didn't use rotten milk either!
Secondly, I would like to thank the guacamole chip makers for their product.
Thank you guacamole chip makers! You rounded out my green lunches perfectly!

"Chocolate coins and gogurt??"
Yes, it's a holiday!
The rule is, you can have 5 desserts on holidays!
And finally,

(click to biggify)
Nothing says "It's St. Patrick's Day!" more than apple pie.
Except maybe baked Alaska.

p.s. Remember this from last year? You've still got time to make it! It's never too late for ice cream drinks!


SuzanneF said...

Those Lunches rock the house! Can I buy a couple of them from you??

Heffalump said...

You are such a good Mom. I felt good making sure they wore green so they wouldn't get pinched.

lizlaughs said...

You are so fun! I love that lunch. I want one.

Marc and Megan said...

Look at you. I'm very impressed... maybe I should follow your lead and be festive today, too.

Busy Bee Lauren said...

I LOVE your green lunches! What an amazing mom you are!!

American Homemaker said...

Your green lunches are awesome! I feel like a slacker mom now :(

Millie said...

I thought I was cool for spiking Sprite with green food coloring and calling it "leprechaun pee."

thanks for the ideas for next year :)

Lefty said...

I want you for a mom. My children do, too, I'm sure. My mom used to color the milk green on the 17th of March...even though there is nothing Irish about us...well, except our tempers.

What did I do for my children? Nothing. Well, I did suggest green. Though my daughter, who is part Irish did not want to wear green; Non-comformist.

Jennifer B. said...

What creativity! Great lunches. Wish I had thought of that.

Deena said...

I love those lunches. I want five desserts.

Suzanne said...

Carrot, I hate to break it to you, but I think your bread is moldy... ;) You are such a fun mom. It was all I could do just remembering to have the kiddies wear green today. I should be more festive like you! How fun! :)

Rebecca Blevins said...

What an awesome lunch!

The only thing I did for St. Paddy's was tell my oldest that he should wear a green shirt under his cub scout shirt tonight.

Am I a great mom or what?

Heidi said...

That is way cool! How many other moms would go to the trouble of finding everything green to eat and then even making green bread?

Wow! Best I could have hoped for as a kid (didn't happen, but could have) was lime jello and celery sticks.

Yvonne said...

Now wait a minute--I can have HOW MANY DESSERTS on holidays--YIPPEE. I love that "rule".

Crissie said...

Darn over achiever! LOL...I'm just jealous that you totally rock :)

Shawn said...

Dang it, I wish that I had some of that pistacho bread for my VT'ing that I did on St. Patties!

Suzee said...

Oh wow! Are you the bomb or what? Bet all the other kiddies were lamenting the fact that they didn't have the way super cool mom who could put together a delicious, and mostly nutritious, green lunch!

Amy G said...

dang! I wish I would have thought to do something like this - makes me want to have a re-do on St. Pats day! So clever and fun!!! Love it!

Nancy Face said...

I want some of that yummy, not-made-with-rotten-milk bread, and the happy green lunches, too! :)