Wednesday, January 16, 2019

You know you're tired when you go to nurse your baby, and unsnap his shirt instead of your own.
I don't think you should have to go to four or more appointments less than a week after you get out of the hospital.
I need to blog, but don't feel the need to blog. Someday, perhaps. But today is not the day. No, today is not the day.


Kate said...

*HUGS* I'm sorry you're so tired . . . know you're in my heart and prayers

Anonymous said...

Soooooo sweet. Soooooo tired. Hugs from me too.

Sleep baby, sleep.

Kara said...

I hope you are able to get more sleep. How are you feeling besides that? Healing up ok?

Deena said...

I'm wishing you lots of good mama power naps.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Physical and mental exhaustion don't match up well with blogging, do they? Thanks for touching base. =) Hope you get some good sleep soon.

Jennifer B. said...

Hoping your next week is more restful.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Just thinking about having a baby makes me tired, and you actually did it only one week ago. Don't make me go through the whole time and season bit with you. I don't see classic rock very well, and The Byrds are definitely out of my vocal range.

Amanda said...

Oh the newborn days are soooo exhuasting. Hang in there. He will get the hang of it, hopefully sooner than later!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Ummm, I meant that I don't sing classic rock very well. But considering how haggard some of those classic rock old farts look now, perhaps averting my eyes and not seeing them is a wise decision too.

Too much Freebird really ages a man.

Anonymous said...

And this bird you cannot chaaaayyyyyynge!!!

Sometime you'll have to tell the story of the four appointments since you got out of the hospital. But now is not the time. No, now is not the time...

Kiss him for his Aunt Millie.

Anonymous said...

Yes, thanks for checking in! I'm happy just reading about you snuggling with your newborn. It's miserable being exausted...but sweet babies are sooo worth the fatigue. Enjoy him all you can! :o)

Anonymous said...

I held Maren today in RS. Marcie wondered how I can always get her to sleep and I said, "It's my exceptional rack."

Sketchy said...

Oh I miss baby snuggles at night. Get some sleep!

Anonymous said...

that is so cute how you unsnapped the baby's top instead of your own. our girls are teens now and i sometimes miss when they were little ones.

~hope you get some good rest, kathleen :)