Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Don't ask.

YOu know what radio stations should have?
A list of songs that should never be played.
If I owned a radio station, there would be two at the top of my list.
The first would be a song by Bruce Springsteen.
Oh yes, you know the one.
"Hey little girl is your daddy home, did he go and leave you all alone mmm hmmm..."

Um ew, Bruce!
I never thought you were a pedophile, but I cannot help but think it every time that comes on the radio now!
What possessed you to think that was o.k. to sing?
And don't tell me he's singing about pie, people.
I won't believe you.
Let's just say he won't be on my list for back up babysitters.
I'm just sayin'.
The second song is by Benny Mardones.
Benny Mardones.
It's called, "Into The Night."
First of all, he's like 60, and he starts out singing...
"She's just sixteen years old
Leave her alone, they say,
Separated by fools
Who don't know what love is yet
But i want you to know
If i could fly
I'd pick you up
I'd take you into the night
And show you a love
Like you've never seen - ever seen..."

I'll just stop there.
"Carrot, I've listened to that song a hundred times, I had no idea..."
Yeah, well neither did I.
I must have mindlessly sung the chorus a thousand times before I realized.
We should start a Pedophile singer list and post it at music stores.
Really, who knew they were out there singing songs??
I just thought they went around trying to lure people.
I had no idea they were being given recording contracts!
I'm sure there's more, I'm just too afraid to find out.
I just might find out that "Knights in White Satin" is not about Knights riding around on horses wearing white satin outfits.
Leave the light off on that one for me.