Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Sunday, April 02, 2006

 My 7 year old threw up last night. I hardly get up anymore when he does. He's been throwing up every 1-1 1/2 weeks for the last 3 months. I took him to the doctor a month and a half ago and she said it was a sinus infection. (Insert rolley eye emoticon here.) She put him on antibiotics for 10 days, and it did nothing. He's also had bad headaches. He came home from school Thursday, and just laid under the couch cushions until it was time to throw up, then he went to bed. So, last night he comes in our bed saying he had a bad dream. I invited him to crawl in between us, which he did. I start drifting off to sleep, and hear him whimpering. I'm thinking "I'm so tired, I don't want to have a conversation" so I start singing "Happy Birthday". It's not his birthday. It was the happiest song I could think of at 1:30 in the morning. After 5 minutes of singing happy birthday, he was still whimpering. I said "What's the matter?" he said "I'm going TO THROW UP!" I said "Well GET UP FOR GOSH SAKES!" Was he thinking he would hurl on me? I don't know. So, I followed him in the bathroom, got him a glass of water, and a washcloth, and waited while he threw up. Then I got him a pillow and a blanket because that's vomiting protocol. You must sleep in the bathroom because chances are, you'll do it again. So about a half hour later, I hear him throwing up again, and I didn't move. I was so tired. I didn't go to bed until really late. DH dragged me to 2 grocery stores last night to find exotic items for this soup, and I had to go to a 3rd to get my regular groceries. I'm horrible, I know. I did go check on him about 5 a.m. if that gets me any points. Well, long about 8 a.m. my 2 year old comes in my room saying "I spilled! I spilled!" I sat sat up and looked at him. He had vomit on his pajamas. Yes. He had thrown up, and I hadn't even heard it. I felt awful. Not only did I not sit up and rub my 7 year olds back when he threw up the second time, my 2 year old slept in vomit. (Insert crying emoticon here) I'll never get that mother of the year trophy back now.

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