Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Forgive me bloggers, for I have sinned.

I have committed a sin.
I have trouble even typing it, but I feel I need to clear my conscience.
I made this cake.

It's poisonous, and I made it for an auction.
Which means somebody bought it.
For like $25.00.
O.k., it's not really poisonous, but it should be.
These ingredients should never be combined.
What's the cake called?
Bananas Foster Fudge Cake.
Oh yes.
I combined bananas, AND chocolate.
I'm so sorry.
I had to.
I had all the ingredients for it, and had already been to the store 3 times.
I needed something fancy.
Something that would fetch a good price.
Yes, I sold my soul to the chocolate banana devil.
The first layer is fudge cake sprinkled with mini chocolate chips.
On top of that is cream cheese frosting.
And then.
Bananas Foster.
Complete with imitation rum extract.
Yes, I am L.D.S., why do you ask?
Yes, it was for a church fundraiser, why do you want to know?
Pretty soon I'll be selling rum cake at church? Why do you say that?
It was a teaspoon.
A teaspoon people.
I don't even think that's a drop of alcohol for everyone eating it.
But I didn't just stop there.
I kept going, and going.
Repeating layer after layer.
Until topping it off with the last fudge cake.
Then I covered my sin in chocolate ganache.
Oh yes.
I hid it.
Nobody knew.
Or so I thought.
Today, my 10 year old son made this...

That's a strawberry nose.
On top of chocolate frosting.
He's giving it away to a boy going on a mission.
Sweet, yes. But fruit + chocolate=poison.
I'll look the other way this time, because the strawberry is just sitting on top.
He can just pluck it, and wash it off.
I'm telling you, you set a bad example,
and your children follow soon after.
I can only hope it's not too late to change our ways.
Pray for us.
Pray for us to have the strength to keep the fruit away from the chocolate.
As it should be.


ucmama said...

what have you DONE?

Jennifer B. said...

What is the world coming to?

Elizabeth-W said...

Forgive me Carrot, for I have sinned.
I really like those orange-shaped chocolates that you get to whack into sections.
What is my penance?

Lefty said...

Sin of Commision:

I eat fruit and chocolate regularly, and together.

And I love it.

There. I'm out.

But I'm not going to change my ways. I love the sin too much.

Crissie said...

Is one still guilty if they were unaware of the chocolate and fruit sin? What a conundrum I find myself in....

Klin said...

I am only sad that I didn't buy it and eat it up.

Planning to have a chocolate fountain for the wedding. Sinful!!!

Deena said...

What about chocolate fondue? The only way I can stand to eat a banana is by dipping it in chocolate. And chocolate covered strawberries? Be still my heart.

Chocolate makes everything better.

Shawn said...

All I'm going it say is---what a way to go if you are going to sin.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

If I knew you were coming I'd have baked......scratch that.

I know you're coming so I'm gonna break out the fondue pot and fruit salad bowl. We can fruity sinnners together!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Hey, did you light that Bananas Foster cake aflame, flambe style, for the winning bidder?

Banana burning: Harry Belafonte worked hard to pass legislation banning it. He was persuasive until the daylight come....then he said "he wanna go home."

Stupid tallyman.

lizlaughs said...

I'll forgive, if you promise to bake that when I come over. You know like you are always telling me you'll do, as long as I let you know ahead of time.

Yeah, I can't get that song out of my head either.

Sketchy said...


Where do we go to buy the cake for big bucks? That sounds delisioso.

Shirley said...

I'm not sure bananas are a sin. RASPBERRIES are a sin for sure, though!

Super Happy Girl said...

Just don't divide it by zero.

You don't know how that would affect the space/time continuum.

Yvonne said...

I can eat chocolate with almost anything.

What a sweet boy ; )

Suzee said...

You say you've sinned.
So why punish us, your faithful blog stalkers. Uh hem...I mean blog readers.
Where are you Carrot?
We, thy adoring fans, are suffering great pains (or is it pangs?) in our withdrawls from Carrot Jello.
3 days is far to long to be without you
Come back!
Write more!
Put a shining happy moment in my day!

Nancy Face said...

That poisonous cake looks gorgeous! :D

My dear daughter loves making banana bread when the bananas she doesn't ever bother to eat turn brown and mushy. I LOVE banana bread, but not the way she likes it! She pollutes it with piles of chocolate chips. BLEH!!! Chocolate chips in banana bread offend me, and now I know why...POISON! ;)

Seems like it's the season for Young Women camp least in our neck of the woods! They're going on all over the place! :)

carrie said...

I'm with you on the fruit and chocolate should be seperated. Only exemption strawberries,yum!

Suzanne said...

Carrot, I admit that I never thought I'd live to see the day you made something with fruit AND chocolate!!! I'm sure it was yummy anyway...with all it's chocolaty rumness. (Is rumness a word? Oh well....)

Rachelle S said...

What??? I need to scroll back up and re-read that! lol

Lisa said...

Fruit dipped in chocolate-yes! In a cake? No! They both look marvelous, though!