Wednesday, January 16, 2019

My mom says when she reads my blog she can tell I'm tired.
Oy. Sorry about that.
I am tired.
Tired of having these blog ideas and completely ignoring them.
Pushing them to the back of my brain.
One day I'm gonna fall over backwards because I'll have so many ideas back there.
Wish I could be like Elastic and shoot them out, but I can't.
Well, I can, but for some reason I won't.
So, in front of me, I have a cookbook from my Mother in-laws ward.
I thought I'd open a page and tell you what's on it.
I mean, if you have nothing better to do.
Which, of course, you do.
I don't.
So, the first recipe I came across is "Ramen Salad".

Looks like you mix the spice packets - two of them - with some oil, vinegar, and sugar.
Just before you serve this
throw it outcombine a pkg of cole slaw, ramen noodles, sunflower seeds, slivered almonds and chopped green onions.
I don't know about you, but we've had so much cup of soup and ramen that I wouldn't care if I never ate it again. I do have a container of ramen that says, "IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, OPEN PLASTIC" in my mudroom for emergencies.
Maybe you like ramen, but it makes me vomit in my mouth and swallow it back down.

Now here's a recipe for "Beefhives".
Yes. I said "Beefhives".
Now if that doesn't make you sick, I don't know what will.
You want to know how to make them, don't you?
Oh, alright.
So you get some bread and soak it in some milk. Mix it well and stir in sour cream. Season it and add ground beef, celery LEAVES, parsley and onion and mix well.
Using a measuring cup, "dip up the meat meat mixture" - whatever that means - and place 6 lumps on a broiler tray. Leave space so the "beefs" can fly out!
Get it?
You know it's funny.
Anyhoo, here's where it gets tricky:
Divide cream cheese into 6 equal parts.
Then you take an apricot half and push it into the center of your beefhives, pit side up.
Got that?
Inside you have...
Apricot half
Cream cheese chunk, and then...
the second half of the apricot.
So you've got a cream cheese filled apricot inside your lump of beef.
We're not done.
Don't be putting your apron away yet.
Seal the apricot with some more beef, and shape it into a dome.
"Stud the beefhives"
Er...okay...with what?
"Stud the beefhives with slivered almonds in a spiral pattern" and bake.
You thought they were going to say something else, didn't you?
Who thinks these things up?
I'll tell you who, a lady named "Thesis".
I kid you not! She came up with that ramen salad recipe too.
She has a lot of time on her hands.
Unless she got it from a cookbook.

"Betty Lou" submitted a recipe for "Beef Bologna", but I'll spare you.
If you're really hungry for bologna, just go buy some.
It's always on sale.

Hey, here's a recipe for "Comeback Cake"
"Combine broken chocolate cake or angel food cake or both"
and add "whipped cream, chopped nuts, mini marshmallows, and
chopped candied fruit"
I was with you until you said "chopped candied fruit".
WHY people? WHY?
Leave that for fruit cake.
I might use this recipe though, next time I have a broken cake.
If I knew you were comin' I'd have braked a cake!
Har har!
This is getting too long, but you know what?
I don't care.
Stop reading, but I'm gonna go on.

Oh that "Thesis"!
She doesn't stop either, does she?
Here she is with another recipe.
It's basically deep fried fruit cocktail.
She keeps them guessing at her house.

Now here's a recipe submitted by "Wamoth".
It's called "Earthquake Cake"
Apparently, she's never been in an earthquake there in Kansas.
You're supposed to go get in a doorway, but I guess she thinks it's an occasion to eat and serve cake.
Well, she can serve it to me in the doorway because that's where I'll be.
That, or under the table, where I could eat cake too.
Doesn't matter.
I'll pretty much eat cake anywhere.

Well, I think I'm tired of hearing myself type.
I'm going to dream about beefihives floating in ramen salad.

And dream about looking like that when I sleep.
I'm going...I'm going.


Lisa said...

I could have used Wamoth's cake today while we shook here during an earthquake.

And those recipes weren't so appetizing. I was thinking maybe you should make them and post pictures on your blog and then maybe that would do the trick. No?

Okay, then. Get some sleep.

Lisa said...

I just wanted to add that my cake must be free of fruit as well. Thank you.

Chell said...

That make me laugh out loud in the office this morning...those recipes do sound horrible. In more ways than one. Arghh.

I feel sorry for her kids.

Physcokity said...

I think someone was being nice when they wrote "Beefhives" personally it sounds like it should read "Barf-hives"

Wamoth + Earthquake Cake = really rude, but funny comment.

Heffalump said...

I think you could market those recipes as a new dieting craze. You can eat as much of these as you want, but nothing else! I know I would lose weight!
I don't know...maybe we should make ramen salad for next weekend...

Natalie said...

I like that Ramen salad. It was quite the staple while we were living in Logan - at least one person always brought it to ward potlucks or RS stuff.

The beefhives, I was planning to serve next weekend! HOW DARE YOU!!

But thanks for using my music. That makes all your recipe-dissing OK with me.

"She keeps them guessing at her house" cracked me up... and the Earthquake Cake thing. Two deep-fried thumbs up.

NOBODY said...

Beefhives took braincells. Someone used braincells to create that. Of course, I might be assuming there.

I laughed right out loud at the thought of someone baking a cake instead of getting in a doorway.

I brake for cake---we'd make a good team. :)

Super Happy Girl said...

I had tears in my eyes. Then these tears (mixed with a bit of mascara I bet) streamed down my cheeks. And I laughed, oh how I laughed.

"Maybe you like ramen, but it makes me vomit in my mouth and swallow it back down."
I am going to say that'd make it to the second edition of that Ward's recipe book.

Super Happy Girl said...

I love the blog ideas in your brain.
Stop ignoring them!

Hey It's Di said...

Throwing up Ramen and swallowing it again? Is that like a Bulemic in denial?

Don't EVER put fruit in my cake! Good way to gross me out every time. I'd rather have cake in an earthquake than with fruit in it.

I think I'll serve Beefhives at my next Utah Celebration since we are the Beehive State. I think it will go over really well:)

Busy Bee Lauren said...


Beefhives! (That's almost as good as Ted's version of meat loaf. He calls it "beefloaf"...or "fleshpot" straight from the Old Testiment. Yes, my man is's hot.)

I love you. Have I told you that lately?

I laughed harder than I ever had at a post. As my coworkers..I am kinda embarrassed.

Busy Bee Lauren said...

Maybe you should "ask" my coworkers...not "as" them. Just an idea.

Mama said...

Oh. My. Stars.

I laughed so hard it hurt.

I have a food blog with some gals in my ward where we share what we ate for dinner last night (and steal ideas off the other gals.) I'm totally putting Beefhives on there and will pretend I am made it tonight and loved it. Ohh - this will be fun to mess with their minds!!!!!

Kate said...

I wonder if everyone that got that cookbook was like, "Oh, that one is by Thesis...we'll just skip that one, ohps...that one too." I'll stick with my very trusty cookbooks. Beefhives...isn't that something that cows get? Ugh.

Kate said...

and does ANYONE look like that when they sleep?

Heidi said...

I'm sorry you're tired! Hope you get some rest soon. Schools starting in just one month, lol, hang in there!

I'm with Heffalump... it sounds like a good diet. blech!

Lefty said...

I adore those ward cookbooks. I have one from my sister's ward and one from my mother-in-law's. There is always one pretentious-caterer-cook with recipes I'm not inclined to try, and then plenty of diabetes inducing treats (LDS alcohol) and clogged coronary arterties being served up too. Reminds me of my favorite new Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole recipe: 5 ingredients that are either high sodium or high fat. ...I serve it over steamed brown rice. I pretend it balances things...

Anonymous said...

Maybe Thesis is a bulemic and these recipes are to inspire more worship at the porcelain alter. Could beefhives be really real?

Unknown said...

The Ramen Salad is actually pretty good. You can hardly taste the Ramen.

Anonymous said...

I'm too tired to comment, but I wanted to say hi anyway.

And I like Ramen, but then I don't think I ever met a carb I didn't like.


elasticwaistbandlady said...

I like the lady in my ward who submitted the recipe for Pinwheels: Spread cream cheese on a piece of packaged deli meat. Roll up. Cut. Chill.

Simple brilliance. Almost like a PB&J recipe.

Brad's gaggle of girls said...

Keep the crazy BLOG ideas coming!! Let them out, be free Blog ideas!!

Anonymous said...

Chicken Ramen with an egg in it is good every so often.:) Not so sure about the other recipes in that cookbook. Perhaps you ought to borrow my wife' s Whitman's Chocolate cookbook. You can use whole wheat flour to get your daily fiber. :)

wynne said...


wynne said...

Is there a Surgeon General's Warning on the outside of that cookbook?

Warning: Contains several recipes of "creative cookery," which, though they make for an entertaining read, may very well kill you or get you sued for manslaughter if you attempt to serve them to your family."

Y'know, something along those lines.