Wednesday, January 16, 2019

I may not have rocked the Casbah*,

but I rocked the duct tape.
(If I do say so myself)
Behold, my Sun Maid Raisin costume...


I cannot sew,
but I can glue and tape and shade with oil pastels.
Oh yes. I can.

(Please don't be concentrating on my letter spacing. It's already driving me crazy. No need for both of us to be crazy.)

*I'm sure you are far too young to remember this song.


b. said...


Suzee said...

Seriously, this is stupendous! Letter spacing? Are you insane? I for one see nothing wrong here. Always are own worst critic aren't we.

Kristi said...


And I have Rocked the Casbah many, many times. I wish I was too young.

And I'm sending your birthday present out on Monday. I'm slow. But you'll love it! :)

(But if you don't, that's ok too.)

Melissa said...

Wow... wow... wow!! I love it! My kids always pick rather boring costumes... that's so creative and fun! Just out of curiosity, how did you make the raisins??

Millie said...

That is without a doubt the coolest costume I've ever seen.

And I've seen some cool ones.

lizlaughs said...

When I first read this I thought maybe you were saying your son made the costume.

That is amazing!

Christy said...

AMAZING!!! Love it!

S said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
S said...

You can spell raisins right I impressed. I am sure I would have messed that part up! Beautiful job, and way cool idea. My daughter was the same thing she is every day a diaper wearing pwincess. See LAME-O!

c-dub said...

awesome! and trust me, you rock the casbah, too. you just plain rock!

Marc and Megan said...

That is seriously one of the coolest Halloween costumes I've ever seen! How you had time to make that with your chili cookoff and ward party and making dinner for a family of 8 and everything else... I hope you dressed up as Wonder Woman yesterday. You're seriously amazing!

Oh, and because I'm so lame and behind with everything in my life... Happy Birthday 12 days ago. I really hope it was a good one!

Trixie said...

That is an absolutely amazing costume. Did you know there's a website Ducttapeclubdotcom and you can join their club, enter their contests, prizes, scholarships, have your pictures posted. They contacted us via flickr about posting our humble knight costumes on their site (never got around to it), but yours is so much better. It's seriously time to join. Maybe you can get a membership card and ring or something really cool.

Stacey said...

That costume rocks the casbah in so many ways! Awe...some!

Heffalump said...

Awesome...not only a cool Halloween Costume, but a healthy alternative to all that teeth rotting candy people hand out on Halloween!

Tarnation said...


Klin said...

Oh you are amazing!!! You totally Rocked the Casbah and The Clash would have been proud.

I wanted to make Sassy Dots, but she said no. That is her favorite candy.

Deena said...

You are the coolest.

aubreyannie said...

holy moly. i just gasped and paul said, "woah." impressed overe here in renton.

aubreyannie said...

or over.

Kate said...

Great job! :0)
I think everyone else said everything I'm thinking. Except I'm also thinking I need a nap and am not going to get one before church. Have a nice Sunday evening.

mindyluwho said...

Wow. Oh Wow. I love it!

Yvonne said...

Totally impressed. If there was a contest involved, I say WINNER.

And as far as "Rock the Casbah"--oh, if I only weren't THAT old ; )

Lauren said...

"Remeber this song"?!!! What is that all about?!! I know all the words to that song! :D

I love raisins!! :P

Jennifer B. said...

Soooo cool! Way to go!

Heidi said...

Letter spacing? What letter spacing problem? That's fantastic!

Way, way better than the girl about 13 who came to our door with only a wig and a bag and on her $)%(%*&$ cell phone! I chided her nice and loudly so her friend on the phone could hear me too... geez :(

ucmama said...

yep, too young for the song,

but,I LOVE the costume!

My sister was a duct tape Klondike Bar one time. So many duct tape ideas, so little time...

p.s. my word verification is bagoid. I think the definition is probably one of those yuppies that has about 50 different reusable "green" bags.

Phae-Jae said...

What a MoM!