So I get this e-mail sent to my bulk mail folder. Why it got sent there, when it's obviously a job offer for me, I'll never know. Usually my bulk mail folder is filled with spam like "Grow sIx incHes by the weEkend!" Well, pardon me, but I'm no dwarf. I think being 5'6" is just fine, and growing that fast could be painful, so I just delete it. But this e-mail, this one caught my eye. It was titled "Spend your night like a pronstar db". Obviously, they mispelled the word "prawn"**, but not everyone can be a spelling champ. I was still intrigued. Was this a one night only gig? Like star for a day, only being dressed up as seafood? Did they need me open a fish market? Then reality hit. Whomever nominated me, obviously forgot about my being pregnant. There's no way in heck they'd have a plus size maternity prawn outfit. No way. So, within minutes, I put away my dream of spending my night like a pronstar. No autograph seekers, no fun pictures with groups of tourists, or commercial opportunities. It's sad how pregnancy limits your fun. I was trying to figure out the "db" on the end, then realized that perhaps this was not meant for me after all. *sigh*
**yeah, yeah, I know what they meant ;)
Shucks. Maybe if added those extra 6 inches...?
(Um...if YOU added, LOL)
Have you ever seen a six-inch prawn?
Jumbo Shrimp!
(yeah. sigh. I know what they meant, too.)
Alaskamomm, Then I'd be overtall. Is that a word?
Compulsive, Heehee. Yes, I said, Heehee. I'm allowed to do that in comments. I just can't use it as a post title.
What they don't tell you is that the 'pronstar' is actually just the understudy for Sebastian the crab. Are you ready to learn all the songs to 'The Little Mermaid' from memory and just wait around for that crab to get boiled so that you'll get your own moment in the sun? Yeah, I didn't think so.
I still don't get the db part. Do I want to know?
I don't get the db part either. Perhaps it's "dyslexic bunny" or "dumb broad" or "ditzy blonde" or "darling Brenda".
LOL, prawn star.... you and your funny little mind...
LOL!!! Do they think it's every girl's wish to be a pronstar? ;)
That was too funny!! You have quite the imagination. Darn it, I don't get any junk mail at my new email account, at least not like this. Maybe I'll have to sign up for a different one just to get "fun" junk mail.
That made me laugh today!
Yep that's it, all I've got. Just
Laugh Out Loud funny, girl.
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