Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Make it stop.

Somebody make basketball go away. I cannot stand it any longer. Shoot it right between the eyes, and make sure it's dead so it can't come back. That's all I ask. Thank you.


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I've got contacts in the Canadian mafia, I'll see what I can do.

omar said...

I thought you and I were cool, until this post. Now we're on the outs.

Amanda said...

I love that my husband is not into sports. I hardly know what's going on in the sporting world. i think I know more about some things than he does. LOL!

Take a deep breath. It will all be over soon! They don't call it march madness for nothing.

Super Happy Girl said...

Who is this basketball you speak of?

I'll kick him for you Carrot, I'll show him my Mexican Judo!

Natalie said...

I couldn't agree more!

wendy said...

So, is it like, TV basketball? or are your kids on a bb team? Sorry for your pain.

Elizabeth-W said...

I have to say that the first time I read this, I thought you were talking about "the basketball" as in the bump on your belly. I was realllly worried about your mental health!
Nobody at my house cares much, and only two men (big surprise) at work do.
It will be over soon--endure to the end.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I deleted that. Sorry. In my next life I am going to have perfect spelling.

I know! Right?! No Survivor, no Amazing Race! Down with basketball!

Mary said...

This post makes me all the more thankful I married a non-basketball watching/playing/even slightly interested husband. Yeah me! Poor you! Down with the b-ball!

Katie said...

My husband doesn't watch either, but basketball has been on in my house (not constantly) because I am the one who turns it on!
Don't worry, it will be over very soon!

dalene said...


And I love the dots!

Carrot Jello said...

annnnnd...we're out!
My husbands team (K.U.)lost yesterday, so basketball will be few and far between. Who says wishes don't come close to coming true? Thank you for your support ;)I'll need you again starting in October.

Deborah Gamble said...


I'm a bit tired of my own husband's basketball habit. But sweet revenge comes when I turn out to be better than him!

Great blog btw - I've got you bookmarked.