I was thinking of writing a country song. I've got a title already, so I'm well on my way. How does "Aw heck, I've got a whisker on my neck!" sound? Or, "My name is wheezer, I can't find my tweezers!" Kind of catchy titles, no? On second thought, I might just keep growing this whisker out. I had a vision whilst driving my kids to the bus this morning, of me and my long whisker. We could save people. This whisker seems to be very strong, and I believe if I went ahead and grew it out, maybe one day I'd find myself on a boat fishing or something. Imagine, someone falls overboard! All I'd have to do is throw them my whisker tell them to hold on to it. I'd swing them back on board, and voila! I'd be a hero! Surely there's gotta be a reason I get these things, and that has to be it. I'm supposed to go around saving people. I've been fighting the man whisker for many a year, when really, I should be embracing it. Maybe even grow a bunch in random places on my face. That way, if I'm rescuing someone, and they happen to pull my manwhisker out, I'll say, "No worries mate! Try this one!" Then throw the spare whisker over. Of course, this would only last until I went over to my sisters house, and she spotted all my whiskers. Theres just no way she'd let me go around like that. She'd be all over me with tweezers and they'd be gone in a flash. *sigh* Decisions, decisions.
Don't you just love family that way? "What is that in your TEETH?" I don't know, but you're about to get a fist in yours, Sister.
"It grew from my face, I sprayed it with Mace, but it wouldn't never go awaaaayyyyy" is my song suggestion.
I propose......"I had some haaaaiiiiir, that grew down to theeeerrrre. One day, I passed by the freak faiiiir, they put me in a cage and made me dance a jig baaaaarrrre."
Lovely. No?
That picture just goes to show that there were cross-dressers even back in the day.
Sheesh, I just finished replying to all your comments in the last post, come up for air, and there are three posts! I can't keep up!
Millie, "What is that in your TEETH?" I don't know, but you're about to get a fist in yours, Sister. ROFL!! Family- they're so precious.
EWL, I think that could be a hit.
Annie, I agree. A lot of those so-called "bearded ladies" were men looking for an excuse to dress up as women.
I found a stray hair the other day that was nearly an inch long growing just underneath my EYE. Hello? Whar in the heck did that cum frum? I pulled it out speedily. But it didn't bring nearly as much satisfaction as pulling out those whiskers under my chin....
I love the music. Makes me wants to dance a jig. Whiskers and all.
I've never had Whisker envy...I think, maybe I have it. In the saving drowning victims sort of way.
I know this girl that struggles with one wisker, but often finds it kinda cool maybe a little fun. Her husband thinks it's kinda cool too. She uses initials for her name, so she's a little "Off" anyway.
I have two wild hairs, as I like to refer to them. They always grow in the same spot. I pluck them as soon as I feel them. Then I never know when they might reappear. Sometimes a week later, sometimes months. It's weird. Do you suppose it is a byproduct of having children?
That's it! You have inspired me to embrace my random chin hair and celebrate it.
Hmmm. What are the appropriate refreshments to accompany a chin hair celebration?
I have a single black hair growing out of each big toe. I let 'em grow in the winter to keep warm. Never thought of saving a life with them. Just shows how selfish I am.
"With great power comes great responsibility" -From the BEST movie ever, Spiderman.
I'm glad you are thinking about others Carrot, that's how giving and sweet you are. SHG shares her beauty with the rest of the wolrd, so we could say you are both sisters on a mission.
That picture is just creaping me out. It reminds me of an old lady in the movie Moby Dick - an image that haunts me as I stand in front of my bathroom mirror with tweezers in hand. I will not be a hairy old lady!
You are so charitable.
When I was pg my hair, in all its forms, grew like mad. The most maddening ones were the ones that would have given me mutton chops (isn't that what they're called?) What was so weird was that I swear they grew out overnight, at least 1 inch! Hormones!!! You know what makes me sad? My eyebrows are starting to go gray.
ROFL!!! That was funny. I love the ideas for the country song title. I think it would be an instant classic. Fortunately I don't have a problem with random hairs growing, just eyebrows that resemble furry caterpillars.
I have a sister (not Wendy, I swear!) who had an inch-long hair growing under her chin. I noticed it during sacrament meeting when we were teenagers. The light was hitting it just right and I gave it a little tug-tug. It makes me laugh just thinking of that! I think she still hasn't forgiven me. Sorry Sarah!
That picture is creepy!
LOL! That picture is too weird, I agree- crossdresser!
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