I've noticed another disturbing food trend lately. I mean really disturbing. I keep trying to wrap my head around it, but I just cannot understand why on earth anyone would eat this stuff. I'm talking about the new cereal with chocolate pieces in it. You know the ones. Cereal like this...

and this...

Do we really feel so guilty about eating chocolate, that we need to justify the eating thereof by putting it in perfectly good cereal? I don't know about you, but if I want chocolate, I eat it. I don't give it a second thought. I don't need to wrap a snickers bar in a big old hunk of wheat bread, or chop up a symphony bar, and sprinkle it on my granola to make me feel better. Who's telling these companies that we need candybars in cereal? We already have granola bars with candy in them. Have we run out of ideas for new kinds of cereal? People, if you want sweet candy cereal, go by a box of Fruity Pepples, or Cookie Crisp, for gosh sakes! Don't be writing the cereal company and demanding candy in your adult cereal too. If you want a Hersheys bar in your Special K, then go buy one, cut it up and sprinkle it on top! Don't make the rest of us suffer. Life cereal is tasty! We don't need week old no-bake cookies (I hear the chocolate oat clusters are hard) thrown in so we'll eat more of it. I can eat a box of Life by myself. Not in one day, of course, but I'd protect it just so I could eat it. It's that good. I just cannot put into words how much this disturbs me. What is next? Chocolate dipped Raisin Bran? We have to stop this before it gets out of control, and we have to do it now. By "we", I mean you, because the way I've been blogging lately, it might be too late by the time I actually write in. ;)
(Annie near unconsciouness and purple laying on the floor, finally exhales, rolls over on her back, takes a deep cleansing breath, and returns to her normal color.)
Thank Blog, you've written something. I take my Life very seriously. I don't like my Life being messed with, not even with chocolate. It's perfect as-is.
Hear Hear! There are some things that just shouldn't be combined and you have nailed this one. If you need chocolate don't settle for cheap, tasteless bits of brown wax-like substance in your cold cereal (frankly I think even Cocoa Pebbles and Cocoa Puffs were ill-conceived). Go buy a decent bar of imported chocolate and pour yourself a nice bowl of uncorrupted cereal and eat them together if you must.
I'm with Carrot--let's make the world a better place! Just say "No!" to more cheap chocolate!
(welcome back, by the way)
I agree! Chocolate and cereal should never mix like that! What a waste of both of them! Seriously, chocolate in Special K?! I thought that stuff was supposed to help you lose weight not gain it!
I definitely agree -- how is that appetizing? Just by the sugary cereal (mmm ... Trix are for grown-ups, too -- promise!) and eat something tasty, for crying out loud!
I started laughing at the "wrap a snickers bar in a big old hunk of wheat bread" and couldn't stop.
What a nice start to my day. Carrotjello is SO much better than cereal with chocolate.
Amen, to everything you said. I love chocolate as much as the next girl, but sometimes things go a little too far...
"What is next? Chocolate dipped Raisin Bran?" Please don't give them any more ideas
Mmm....chocolate covered raisins...
Seriously though, I believe in eating my chocolate in it's pure form. And I buy the -good- stuff. No point in taking in that many calories unless I enjoy them thoroughly!
Have you seen the cereal with the dried strawberry slices in it? Go buy those dried strawberries in a pouch and add 'em to your corn flakes. Same thing. Yuck.
But I love my deep fried in lard snicker sandwiches :(
I'm with Rug's bug, there are some yucky cereals out there. Dried strawberries, ewww.
LOLOL @ "deep fried in lard snicker sandwiches"
I KNOW!!! What are these dippy cereal people thinking! If you're going to eat chocolate, eat it, dang it! It's like pouring Hershey's chocolate syrup on the cereal with your milk! Like it's not already full of preservatives and other crap already. Let's load on something else!
::going to my happy place::
How about some bacon popcorn? c'mon, you know you want it.
I am not really sure what you are talking about. I think the more things with chocolate the better.
For instance, I pour a little chocolate syrup on my toothpaste before I brush. Delicious!!!! Or how about the bon bon sandwiches on marble pound cake. We do all of our frying in a batter of flour, salt, pepper and cocoa powder. Wash it down with a swig of YOO HOO.
I fill my pillow cases with M&M's not only does it give therapeutic massage but it also supplies a soothing treat after a bad dream. Honestly, I say the more chocolate that you can fit in your life the better of you are.
We have all heard about the many health benefits of chocolate. So I say the more the better.
My Son told me the other day he can never tell when I am kidding.
Did I say the more the better???l
I'm definately not a health food person but I do have one rule. No chocolate cereal for breakfast. Chocolate is not meant to be eaten at breakfast except if you're having a slim fast chocolate royale shake.Rug Bug it's time to get out the deep fryer agian I want to try a deep fried snicker sandwich.
Chocolate is a beautiful thing. Beautiful. But the thought of it in cereal makes me shudder.
Sorry about the heartburn! I had it when pregnant with my son last year - it's no joke! I had never before experienced such misery! Speaking of chocolate mistakes: don't be fooled by the packaging, chocolate cream TUMS are also a bad, bad idea. Shudder...
I've never seen these before! That looks so gakky I don't know a better word for them. I bet my 3 year old will love it!!!!!
I think the cereal industry is aiming for the single guy. So that when his girlfriend looks in his cubboard she'll see ALMOST healthy cereal, instead of fruit loops and marshmellow matties. She'll then think, hmm, he's trying. If he was my husband I'd throw those out with that ugly couch and horrid lamp. Maybe with a little decorating and help in the kitchen we could have something wonderful.
woops sorry got a little long!
Sorry about the heartburn-how many more weeks until you loose even more sleep?
I couldn't agree more. Stop the insanity!
Now people, don't you realize that if you leave 18 comments on the first day, that will overwhelm my little old fingers and brain? It will take me days...days, I tell you to respond to all of your comments. I was thinking I'd get 3 or four a day, but 18- woah. I never knew blogging about cereal could produce such wonderful results. I'm so happy I cleaned out my fridge. "Cleaned out your fridge?" you say? Yes, it's too much for my brain to think of great responses to your wonderful comments, so I cleaned out the fridge instead! Yay me! And, btw, Yay you comment leavers! Thanks!
That is wierd. I poor in a little chocolate milk with my cheerios if I really need some choco in the morning.
I noticed fruity flavored cheerios at the store. Why? Fruitloops already does that, you know. Just stick with what you do best: honey nut, please.
Last year all the cereals were adding dried fruit to them. This chocolate fixation thing is the newest in cereal fads. Don't despair, carrot, because like many unholy couplings in the past, this too shall pass.
Kroger's had Coco Pebbles 2/$5.00 this week. I stocked up. Food storage ain't nothing without an emergency stockpile plastered with Barney and Fred Flinstone pictures all over it.
Hey, you broke the 20 comment barrier. CONGRATS! Now, when will we be getting a fresh post, hmmmm?
Just kidding, pregnant lady--you take it easy!!! Even (choking on the selflessness this is exacting)if it means (*cough cough*) you need to take a break (*ack*) from blogging.
Yeah, see, I'm not that nice. GET BUSY. I'm coming around again in the morning and there BETTER be a new post. Or no chockie on your cereal, young lady.
OK, that's it. You are grounded. And may I add, I'm very disappointed.
Millie, don't you realize I feel obligated to respond to all the nice peoples comments before I make another post? I'm not one of those bloggers that is too good to respond to people. Oh no, I'm not. I'm a bloggers blogger. When people visit, I do not just look at them, and shut the door. I invite them in, listen to them, and then I respond. I'm nice like that. You should know that by now. ;)
When I want chocolate, I just have it. That's why I keep a 5 lb. bag of M&M's in my room :)
I mean... ahem. Don't be silly, Carrot.
lol millie.
That cereal isn't as bad as the nastiness I passed in the refrigerator section of the store the other day. Chocolate-chip-pancake-covered-sausages on a stick (like corndogs) Why?!?!?!?
Annie, are you saying you can't live without my blog?
Compulsive, you shouldn't even have chocolate and cereal at the same meal together.
Kara, suprisingly, they're low in fat and calories.
Beth, I agree.
Jennifer, I agree with you also.
Suzanne, Amen sistah.
Lyle, oops, I shouldn't have said that outloud.
Kimberly, *gag* I hate chocolate covered raisins.
Rugs, I agree, they don't even taste like strawberries!
NCS, *gag*
Millie, I don't mind duming yogurt on my cereal.
NCS, where do you get these things? *gag* (again)
Carolyn, Mmmm M&M filled pillow cases! What a great idea! Of course, not for sleeping on. Just for keeping by the side of your bed.
Carronin, I allow chocolate cereal (such as chocolate pebbles) on weekends, but that's it.
Mary, chocolate cream tums??? EWWW!
Elizabeth, just buy her chocolate. She'd love that too.
Orchard girl, I think you're on to something. I've got 7 more weeks.
Amanda, yes! Stop!
Wendy, a glass is good for chocolate milk. Yogurt is good on cheerios.
EWL, I can only hope it will pass. It was still on the shelf Saturday night.
Jennifer, your wish is my command.
Millie, you are so hard on me. Is this tough love?
Mimo, they make 5lb bags??
Alaska, that IS disgusting! The pancake wrapped around the sausage is bad enough, but then they add chocolate chips? What's that all about??
One more comment...and you don't even have to respond to it. I've seen the commercials for these cereals, and I think a hearty "Deees-gust-ing" is appropriate. Nasty!
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