I was browsing some blogs last week, and happened upon a blog that had some posts in the sidebar. I quickly glanced over the list, and read something like "You must buy these diapers." Anytime someone tells me I must buy something, I am curious, so I clicked. The title amazed me. "Seventh Generation Diapers". I thought, "Ew, disgusting." Diapers shouldn't even last one generation, let alone seven, in my opinion. To make thing worse, these diapers are unbleached, and are yellow in color. Making them even more convincing that they have been handed down from generation to generation. Honestly, they look like disposable diapers that your baby has already peed in. Would you hand these things down to your daughter? Um, I hope not. Go ahead and be all granola if you want. Knit your own sanitary napkins, but don't make your kids wear really old diapers. It's just not a good idea. How'd they pick that company name anyway? Who thought that was a good idea? "Seventh Generation" anything doesn't sound good. Mmmm, here's some "Seventh Generation" chocolate milk! It's chunky! Actually, by then, wouldn't it be a solid? Maybe you could use it as soap or something.
The next product was introduced to me by someone that has sinus problems. Ever hear of the NetiPot? Sound like Grandma's chamber pot, eh? Well, it's not. It looks like this...

and frankly, it should just be called a nose hose or something. It just looks so uncomfortable. I hate having water up my nose. I can't imagine taking a watering can, and pouring the contents of it into my nasal passages. The title of your product should give people some idea of what you're selling them. Don't make it sound like you go to the bathroom in it if it's supposed to irrigate your nose. That's all I'm asking.
Seventh Generation diapers??? I have only one word for that: EWWW!!! I don't care if you are granola, that's just wrong!
And the "Nose Hose" is a much better name for that other thing. I hate water in my nose too so there's no way I would ever use something like that!
Oh, and I about threw up when you mentioned the chunky milk! Gross!
Don't you dis the NetiPot!!! They are the best things in the world for colds! A better kind is a brand called NeilMed, and it's more like a squirt bottle. Neti-ing is old ayurvedic medicine. I was introduced to the concept by some freaky ENT Dr in Provo, only he used a waterpik. :) Neilmed comes with packets you put in warm water that makes the water less burny-it softens the water in some way.
All you do is open your mouth, put the water in one nostril and it runs out the other nostril. It flushes huge amounts of gunk out of your sinuses. Lovely, I know.
My six year old uses one during the winter when her allergies are so horrific, and it makes a huge difference. Ok, I'm done singing the praises of the nose hose.
I didn't know 7th Gen made diapers--I've been out of the diaper loop for 1.5 years now. I bet they're just crappy diapers. I mean, if one good pampers lasts 5 hours, but you have to use 8 crappy diapers (did you notice I'm using the word crappy?), which is worse in the long run for the environment?
NetiPot cracks me up - my grandma had a cold remedy sort of similar...but there were no 7th Generation diapers, that I'm aware of anyway.
On youtube you can see the commercial for the netipot and see a demostration in action. It's awesome to see a lady pour water in to one nostral and have it come out the other, it's like magic.
All this diaper talk makes me glad that I don't do that anymore.
Netipot! Haha! I just want to know who that girl was that agreed to pose for such a product, and how is her career today?
7th Generation diapers...shudder...
I have discovered 7th generations diapers way back in the far corners of my van! EWWWWWW....yuck!
Mary, I was wondering exactly the same thing. How would you like to show up for THAT modeling job? And it would be a cold day in Heck before I'd purposely squirt water into my nasal orifices (softened or not) and clean it on out in there. Forget it. I can just be snotty and sound stuffed-up.
The 7th generation diaper thing sounds cool, from a genealogy standpoint. "My great-great-great grandmother also peed in these."
Is it really so much to ask?
I one pursued a career in marketing just so I could right such wrongs. Kim the Avenger? I had a costume design in mind and everything.
Loving the music! Sounds like BNL...but not...who is it?
You should check out Seventh Generation's website to see how they got their name.
I've never used the diapers so I don't know how well they work, but wouldn't you rather put your baby in a yellow diaper than one that is covered in bleach?
Katie, sorry, I forget that you are preggers.
I can and I will dis the NetiPot, Elizabeth. Doesn't nasal irrigation system sound much better?
Sketcy, I'd never heard of irrigating your nose for a solution to sinus problems.
Carronin, wow, you must really be bored if your watching Neti Pot demonstrations on YouTube. ;)
Mary, I can only imagine what she's doing right now. Only because I can't think of anything funny to say.
PJ, LOL! And you thought that smell was just a dirty garbage can.
Millie, kleenex and a finger always works well.
Kimberly, I'm having a vision of you in a super hero costume. No, it's not BNL, but I can't remember who it is now. It'll come to me later I'm sure.
Anonymous, whilst typing this blog entry, I thought to myself, Hmmmm, I wonder if someone from S.G. googles or does other types of searches to see who's talking about their product. But since you've "never used the diapers" *wink wink* I'll just assume you are their neighbor in Vermont. I'm not saying it's a bad product, I'm just suggesting a name change. Of course, if they had a different name, then I'd wouldn't have anything to blog about, now would I? ;)
Oh yes, now I remember. This song is by "Trout Fishing In America" Gotta love "18 wheels on a Big Rig" too.
Oh yes, now I remember. This song is by "Trout Fishing In America" Gotta love "18 wheels on a Big Rig" too.
It's chunky
Ewww, ewwwwww!.
A millions years ago my MIL was watching some morning show about this super Granola mom gone wacko, she claimed to be a super saver: grew their own vegetables, made their own sanitary pads, the family went out for dinner ONCE a year (to MacDonald's), made their own everything, to include their clothes….the kids all wore hand-me-down underwear. Gross.
The saddest part was that the family was not poor, they did have money, the Mom was just a wacko.
A sick wacko.
As the model for the NetiPot I wanted to thank you for the kind comments. My life has never been the same since I demonstrated my talent of snorting water through one nostril while shooting it out the other. Currently I'm now showing the nose flosser, something similar to fuzzy spaghetti used to dislodge those stuborn boogers.
Thanks for the laugh and the great music to back it up.
Well put.
Thanks for the chuckle. Your humor never disapoints!
Carrot, I like the suction method myself. It would be great if they made a little tiny vacuum for noses. You should invent one.
ROFL!! Shortly after we moved here we had an enrichment night on emergency preparedness. One of the ladies in our ward is all into that sort of thing, you know the type, the one who you want to get to know real well so you can show up on her doorstep when there is an emergency and mooch off of her food storage. Unfortunately she moved to Grand Junction so were in big trouble now. Anyway, she was talking about those sanitary napkins that you referred to, the kind you knit. She had examples for us to pass around and look at. She also had a lady sew homemade toliet paper. It was all very, um...interesting...if not a little disturbing.
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