I titled my last post "Hee Hee". I am ashamed. I'm sure some people saw that title, turned right around and left. For that I am sorry. The four people that left comments, just did it because they pitied me. It sounded good in my head. I'm sure if you could have heard it, the way I was saying it, you would have liked it, but you can't, so I just have to leave it alone. I've got special skills. I can do voices (in my head). Oh yes, Ethel Merman, Jimmy Durante, British people. You should hear me sing "I've got a lovely Bunch Of Coconuts". You'd be amazed, and tell me I should take my act on the road. Then I'd tell you I'm pregnant with my 5th child, and you'd look at me like I'm crazy, and I'd feel bad. So, I guess I just need to work on my other skills. "Other skills?" you ask. Oh yes. In fact, I've got a skill so marvelous, it astounds and amazes people (At least in my house). They are so in awe of my talent that they don't even try to compete with me. They are frozen in amazement. "How does she do that?" they ask. "Woah! That must have taken forever to do!" they think to themselves. My talent?

Putting the toilet paper on the toilet paper holder. It's hard, I know, but with a little practice, you can do it yourself so I dont' have to do it EVERY SINGLE TIME IT RUNS OUT! I offer them the roll, and they're all like "We're not worthy!" and I'm all like "WHAT-everrr!" (insert rolley eye emoticon here) I'm not sure if they have a fear of getting snapped by the spring, or if they're afraid of messing the toilet paper up, or what. I've even refused to do it for a week just to see if they try. Nothing. It will sit on the window sill, or the floor, or on the back of the toilet until I do it. Maybe I'm too good at what I do. Maybe I shouldn't taken that toilet paper 101 class, and honed my skills so much. For once, it would be nice to just have a nice big fat roll sitting on the holder, waiting for me. Instead of having to scooch forward, open the cupboard behind the toilet, reach around trying not to knock yourself off the toilet with the cupboard door, and hope nobody put it on the top shelf. Ugh. It seems so simple. But maybe that's only because I'm so talented.
That happens at your house too? I'm always the one left sitting on the toilet straining to reach the tp under the sink, or calling for help if that bathroom is out. Then Dh brings me a roll and gives me that "this is why being a guy is better" smirk.
LOL! I know the feeling.
You are so talented. I may have to ask my dd to practice that skill as part of personal progress.
Yeah, but can you maneuver the empty toilet paper tube to the trash can with such deft skillz too? I can. My children think that the tubes are supposed to be thrown behind the toilet, and then I have to go in once again to save the day.....and my children from a gigantic empty toilet paper tube tower from falling over and crushing them while they're seated on the commode.
Confession time...I'm the one that leaves it empty. Yup. Are you going to shun me now.
Every once in awhile I'll manage it, and I'll purposely not use a single sheet of it so Neil will know I put it there just for him. Pathetic, I know.
Is your bathroom seriously that pink? Was that on purpose? =P
Hubby took Toilet Paper 101 with me and now we're both in charge of it. He tends to be very interested in all things toilet paper so it's a very proud moment for him when he can do "the honors." I sit back and fawn him and shower him with praise.
You crack me up! My dad is the manager where he works and he called an emergency meeting because all of his employees (all male, by the way) would not put the toilet paper on the roll. So, he demonstrated how to do it. lol I'm not sure if the meeting worked, I'll have to ask him.
I've got the same question as Kimberly...do you have pink bathroom tile? Lucky! Do you realize how much fun you can have with pink bathroom tile? Do you love it? I know you are into the retro thing too.
Do you have pink sinks?
If I had pink tile in my bathroom I would use Robins Egg Blue as an accent color.
Ahh, but can you take the cardboard tube out of the roll *before* you use the roll of toilet paper? That is the trick we of "toilet paper 401" graduating class know. (Good for emergency craft needs).
Love the pink tile. I understand pink bathrooms are mandatory for those serious in advanced bathroom degrees. Are you letting us in on a secret aspiration?
Kara could have written my comment . . . in fact she did such a good job that I'll just say . . . sometimes it hoovers to be living as the sole female in a household! LOL
Anyways, congrats on your super-ninja-toilet-paper-101-grad skills! :)
LOL!!! I think this may be a talent that a lot of moms have. You just have a better sense of humor than I do! :D
Greetings from UT. I remember when you posted this picture long ago, and loved you and your family for it then. No one leaves it empty at my house. I just get a MOOOOOM-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
Sorry to disappoint, but that is not my bathroom. Our bathroom used to have pink AND maroon tile, but now the tile is white, and the walls are blue. Not a pleasant blue, though. It's more of a "turn the lights off while I'm going so I don't have to look at this sky blue!" sort of color. When we were going to paint, DH said "Pick a paint color, I'm going to buy paint in 5 minutes!" I hate painting, that's why it stays the same color.
Here is my hidden talent. I--with my super powers--am capable of brining up entire packages of toilet paper from our downstairs storage when I go to replace a run-out roll. Instead of only one.
Aren't I just amazine?
And here I thought I was the only one with this great skill! I sure am the only one at my house! Love your blog and your sense of humor!
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