Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Oh Carol!

You'll never guess who sent me an e-mail.

Carol Burnett. Oh yes she did! Did too, did too. I'm a little worried though, I think she might have had a stroke. The subject line didn't make sense...
From: Carole Burnett
Subject: yzd Be like Ron Jeremy adft
I can make out part of it, but what does it mean? Don't tell her, but I didn't open it. I know, anyone would be flattered to recieve an e-mail from her, but I was afraid she might have sent me a virus without knowing. Maybe she was dazed, and confused, trying to tell me about her friend Ron Jeremy, an attached a virus to the e-mail? The whole "yzd" and "adft" made me wonder. Not that Carol's evil or anything, but I heard if you're having a stroke, you are not in control of things. For all I know, someone could have sent her an e-mail about THEIR friend Ron Jeremy, with a virus, and she just cared enough to send it onto me. Last night I got an e-mail from "Dorothy Burnett". I didn't open that either. I'm hoping there's no family crisis that I'm ignoring. I'd feel really bad if something was wrong with Carol, then Dorothy tried to warn me, but I chose to ignore it. I'm just going to keep checking People Magazine online for news. What I don't understand is why these important e-mails keep getting sent to my spam folder. I got another job offer to be a pron star. Now I'm wondering if I should just go ahead and do it. They could cutom make a costume for me if they're that hard up for employees.


Super Happy Girl said...

The "Ron Jeremy" part was a big ol' clue. I think he's just pretending to be the Burnet sisters.

Amanda said...

A pregnant pron start, now that has gotta be a first!

So I saw the picture on millie's blog and I was looking for the pregnant tummy that would be a dead give away, but I couldn't find it. So who are you?? In the picture I mean. ;)

Carrot Jello said...

NCS, ooh, creepy.
Amanda, I'm in black, behind NCS. The one with the glasses. :O

Carrot Jello said...

I mean, behind NCS and Millie.

Anonymous said...

Who's Ron Jeremy? *snort*

OK, you looked wonderful yesterday. I know you didn't feel like it but you did. I loved seeing you again. Can I come move in with you when you come home next week with the new baby?

I am totally envious that Carol is sending you spam. You know how busy she is.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Speaking of those glasses - they are the cutest! I have a similar styled pair that I wear when I feel like being extra sophisticated...well, or sophisticated at all, really. =P

Amanda said...

Nice to finally put a face with the blog. :) You look fab by the way! Hang in there the next few days!!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

NCS, you do realize that not many Mormon moms know who Ron Jeremy is, right?I don't know if I should be proud of my pop culture knowledge that I do know who he is, or deeply ashamed.

I keep getting e-mails asking me if I know how to satisfy a woman and make her happy. I'm like, "Ummm, yeah. A box of chocolates, and a maid ought to cover it."

b. said...

( ron jeremy the pron star?)

I WILL tell you what I think....and you'll like it! I couldn't see any pregnant people either in the picture. Everyone in it is beautiful! Including YOU!

I LOOOOOVE Carol Burnett! I want to buy all the dvd's off the infomercial!
"Heeeere Pidgy, pidgy, pidgy..."

Phae-Jae said...

Fun Photo, Fun day it sounds like!

I never hear from Ms.Burnett, or Mr Conway either...neva.

Jennifer B. said...

Carrot, you were holding out on us. You are WAY cute! Maybe I'll post a picture of myself after all, but I'll have to put it somewhere tricky. I like a little anonymity.

I'll be checking People. I can just see the next headline, "Carol and Carrot: Hot New Pron Stars!"

Sketchy said...

I wanted to comment but I'm too busy giggling about the Carol and Carrot: Hot New Pron Stars! Maybe next time...

Anonymous said...

I only know who Ron Jeremy is because of all my years spent in the AOL chat room "Mormon Q & A." That place provided an excellent education in all things naughty and not-worthwhile. I'd say something to Bri and he'd looked shocked and say, "HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT????"

"Mormon Q & A."

b. said...

Was Ron Jeremy a mormon? Because I heard Prince was....I'm just askin'.

Carrot Jello said...

Millie, I have no idea. I don't know things like that.
Kimberly, you should have worn them. That way we could be bang cutting glasses twins.
Amanda, thanks!
EWL, I have no idea who that is. I don't know things like that.
b.- I've heard he might be a pron star, but I don't know things like that.
PJ, I hear tims not good at e-mailing.
Jennifer, I keep checking. Still no picture.
Sketchy, darn. no comment :(
Millie, yeah, right.;)
B., I don't think it's Ron Jeremy, I believe it's STeve Martin, lol.

carrie said...

I know who Ron Jeremy is because I watchd him make the moves on Tammy Fay Baker on the Surreal Life on VH1. Yes I know, I need to get a life.Did you know that Carol Burnett is Val Kilmer's neighbor in Santa Fe NM. Someday I'm going to go there and meet them both.