Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Question: How many idiots does it take to make an iron costume?

Answer: I don't know, but I'm thinking more than just one.
Ugh. It's harder than I thought.
I might be making this thing all the way up to Halloween night.
Doesn't help when the perfectionist side of me keeps popping her head out to help.
She's got the perfect iron in her head, and constantly tells me that what I'm doing looks nothing like what she'd pictured.
Oh well.
I can't please all my personalities all the time.
My kids are having a good time with the boxes.
Who knew boxes could be so much fun?

and pumpkins...

I wasn't going to buy pumpkins this year, because they just rot, but I found them for half price.
Yes, a dollar thirty a pumpkin.
So we carved them...

and kissed them...

Okay, she's the only one that kissed them.
Then we lit them...

I other news,
I'd like to thank the Blogcadamey.
Last Saturday was my birthday.
In case you missed it.
Some people didn't.
No Cool Story and Millie drove 6 hours just to spend time with me on my special day.
They took me out to Chinese food, and showered me with gifts and chocolate.
Those girls know how to have a good time.
Maybe too good.
They really let loose.

Okay, not really.
No tea was partaken of at our meal. It's just for looks.
NCS's eyeballs have been digitally altered by my master graphic arts self, to protect her identity.
I can't imagine a better birthday present. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
We even got to see a famous painting they had at the restauraunt.

There was no title, but I'm pretty sure it's called "The Pandas Last Supper".
I snapped a picture before anyone could tell me it wasn't allowed.
I'd also like to thank Calamity, Trixie, Carronin, Raesha, B., Jennifer B., and Wynne for the birthday things they sent me.
Sure, Wynnes was actually a consolation prize, but I like to think of it as a birthday present.
Sure, she sent it to the other people who didn't win the contest, but in my head, she sent it only to me.
You can't convince me otherwise.
So, that's it for now.
This is getting way too long, and I'm sure I lost half of you on the third picture of my children.
"And you say you're not a mommy blogger. Ha!"
Sometimes you just have to sneak them in.
I'll say my usual, sorry for not responding to your comments, or visiting and leaving comments for you.


Kate said...

I hope you figure out the iron costume without too much more help from your perfectionist side . . . I have one too and sometimes she can just be INTHEWAY! :)
Hooray for a happy birthday! :)

Lisa said...

I can't wait to see your iron costume. I am such a Halloween costume loser. If Amanda didn't have dance costumes, she would never have anything fun or cute to wear. And this year she is wearing two of them-one to school and one out to trick or treat. And all I had to do was open the closet. I'm such a drag!

I haven't even bought pumpkin's, yet. :( Did you roast your seeds with the help of the pumpkin seed lady?

Klin said...

Costume? How do you get your clients to talk to you in therapy when you look freakish? I haven't figured that one out yet and they can't wear costumes as they are in a treatment program.

My kids made it easy. The boys did their own. I'll post pics later. The girls were happy with what they found at the Halloween store. Yay for easy. Boo for not being so cheap. But again I am cheering for the easy part. Sweet!

The EQ Pres. said...

An iron costume? What's an iron?

mindyluwho said...

I'm all intrigued to see what an iron costume is, I hope you post a picture of the finished product.

Cute baby!

mindyluwho said...

And cute other kids too, but my eyes just naturally go to babies since I'm done having them myself!

Tori :) said...

In love with my wife = Tori signed in under Sei's screen name. Sorry.

Melissa said...

Why are the boxes so much fun? I think I'll save myself some cash this year and just get the kids some boxes for Christmas... or maybe, I'll buy a bunch of things that I WANT... then give them the boxes. Yeah. I like that idea :)

Dallas Meow said...

I also have to ask what an iron costume is ...
iron chef?
uh .... more than a white apron?
I don't get to watch enough tv.
I know, I know, I always have to ask questions too ....
there is no rule that disallows the challenged to blog!

Elizabeth-W said...

Panda's last supper!!! ROFL!!! That is sooo funny!! :D

Heffalump said...

A curling Iron? A bottle of Iron supplements? An Iron like you use to iron clothes?
See, if you wanted to do a curling iron I could help you out...some black sweat pants and a lot of duct tape....
not helping am I?

Super Happy Girl said...

Awww, that pumpkin looks so comfy and quilty inside on the cool box car.
I look so beautiful! Thank you for making me foggy eyed :)
The costume..yeah yeah yaH!!

Anonymous said...

I am vaguely familiar with the aforementioned "iron" and have a bit of advice...

When you make your iron costume, don't forget to cut out steam holes on the flat, teflon part. I think it would make a great squirt gun effect. It may scare children enough that they'll never go near an iron again.

Sketchy said...

Yay for making costumes!
Yay for pumpkins!
Yay for Millie's new hairdo, I like it!
Yay for panda's well trained to perform for a lent festival.

aubreyannie said...

i left a comment earlier today and blogger ate it. darn this blogger. i can't wait to see the fabulous iron costume. you are supermom. check your email..cuz it is a feeble attempt to try and redeem myself for not coming to your birthday luncheon..or sending you anything. but i sent you something now...even if it's just an email. yes, i really do heart carrot.

Deena said...

I love the stinky look from those beautiful blue eyes in that first picture of your kiddies.

Jean Knee said...

who's going as an iron? you or one of your chirrins? I will give you this, I have never seen an iron costume, much luck

Amanda said...

I like trixie's suggestion for the iron costume! LOL

How nice of millie and NCS to drive all that way to see you for your birthday! What nice friends you have! :) And cute kids too!!!

carrie said...

Your Welcome,Carrot! I'm so glad that I know you too.

wynne said...

WHEEE! Boxes! Pumpkins! An...iron? If you say so, Carrot. And you wait. Next year I'll know when your birthday is.

Millie said...

I saw my name AND my face!!!! I feel so loved!!!! :)

It was so fun to see you and hug the crud out of you. smooches!!!