Wednesday, January 16, 2019

So I'm reading this blog...

...and the lady says she "lost her mucous plug".
(she's pregnant, if you can't figure that out)
And I'm all,
Why do women say they "lost" it?
Like it's something you need to find and put back in?
"Could you help me find my mucous plug? I lost it the other day, and have been looking for it ever since! I need to put it back in before the baby thinks it's time to come!"
Wouldn't that be nice, if you weren't ready to have a baby, you could just put the plug back in?
A little gross, but a good idea.
I mean, if you're going to go to the trouble of finding it, you might as well do something with it.
I'll stop now,
I'm grossing myself out.
I won't even talk about the mucous plug lost and found.
It's a good thing I don't have comments on.
I can almost hear you gagging.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I've been wanting to EW this one for days!


Incidentally, how does one ask for that at the lost and found? And do they ask for a description so they can verify ownership?

K, now I've grossed myself out.