Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Wait, let's try something else.

and if that doesn't work...
hmmm, try swishing it around in your mouth!
Oh wow, that works?
Well, let's market it!
Who comes up with these things?
I was in the car yesterday discussing remedies for warts with my daughter.
No, not those kinds of warts.
BTW, remember that story?
Yes, I happen to be developing not only one wart, but two, on my fingers.
WHAT is THAT all about?
Aren't you supposed to get them from boys in elementary school?
Anyhoo, back to remedies. I knew the whole duct tape thing worked, but didn't happen to have access to any (read: too lazy to go down in the garage and find it).
So I'm looking at the list, and I see "banana peel".
Banana peel?
Did someone get done with a banana, and right before they threw it away thought, "Hey, I'm just gonna tape this to my wart and see if anything happens!"
And how about cashews?
Did you know that as you're eating your party mix, you could rub that cashew on your wart? Of course, you have to do it three times a day, so you might want to eat it after the third application. They're expensive, don't ya know?
Was it a teacher that discovered that chalk gets rid of warts?
I can imagine that teacher sitting down writing on her feet with chalk (tell me what teacher doesn't do that), when she decides to cover her wart with it...daily, and by golly four days later it's gone!
I know how much fun it is to let Elmer's glue dry on your hands, but did you know if you did that 3 times a day, you'd be wart free in a couple weeks. Fun and a cure!
I'm thinkin' I could come up with my own cures and market them for a little side cash.
Maybe pull something on the trash and strap it to my hand.
Wait, maybe the hot stove would work...


Lisa said...

Ouch! Good Luck!

Busy Bee Lauren said...

Cashews? For serious? I have one on me hand that needs a little healing action...and Ted loves cashew. Maybe I can kill two birds with one stone?

Deena said...

Step away from the heat source.

wv: dumbe

Heffalump said...

Why do they look like they are going insane and yet are happy about it?
And I never knew that dandruff was infectious. Now I can never leave the house, and if I do get dandruff and someone points it out I can just say I have the infectious kind and blame it on someone else.
Save those banana peels...

ucmama said...

banana peels DO work! We use them our little boy, who goes to elementary school.

Millie said...

INFECTIOUS and DANDRUFF are two words that have no business being together. Ewwwww!

I've heard of the tape on warts thing, but none of that other stuff. You lead an exotic life.

Physcokity said...

hahaha Thank you for the laugh. My grandma bought mine off me, literally, and it hasn't come back since then.

So does that mean you can't use the handy dandy lotus thingy to get rid of warts? Oh right you already said...not those warts. ;) right-o

Big gulps huh?

Well see ya later!

Klin said...

That's a lot to think about.

Banana peels being the cheapest one for me. we go through a lot of those, so no need to buy extra stuff to take care of the warts.

Super Happy Girl said...

I wouldn't put tape on cashews.

Anonymous said...

have you seen the hilarious cashew commercial on youtube? Be careful where you are when you apply the cashew, you may cause deadly consequences!

Jennifer B. said...

I went to my Dr. and had two on my index finger frozen. OUCH! I would try Compound W next time. Target sells a generic version.

If you do end up with cashews and banana peel duct-taped to your hand, I want a picture.

Good luck!

Nancy Face said...

You are so funny! :D

Nancy Face said...

Infectious Dandruff? EWWW!!!

That's gonna be in my head all day! (I said IN my head, not ON my head.)

Sketchy said...

I just want to know which one came first the mouthwash or the Infectious Dandruff cure? Because I'm disturbed if it's the latter.

Phae-Jae said...

wart, wart bo bort banana pana po port.

I wonder if mouth wash really works.

Your so funny, I should stop by more often :D

aubreyannie said...

ok, but my question is WHERE do warts come from? i have a few on my feet and am curious WHY. and i should go dig around in storage for the duct tape too. just this morning i was thinking about that one company that marketed their duct tape as duck tape.

Suzanne said...

I got rid of one in about 2 seconds as a kid, but it's not something I would recommend. I can't believe I didn't get an infection...

Carrot, you'd better stop holding hands with elementary boys! ;)

elasticwaistbandlady said...

June was always looking for a way to make herself Ward free.

It didn't work out for her either. If only she'd known about the banana peel trick.....

Brad's gaggle of girls said...

I like the Elmer's glue idea, ya gonna try it??
It is fun, I did it when ever i was bored at school... ok yup often!

Jean Knee said...

carrot, this is true. I have an ancient women's magazine and there is an ad in there to douche with listerine. yes I said douche