Sunday, June 02, 2013

I should start a blog...

and fill it with pictures of the different flower "arrangements"
that I stare at every week.
Here is this week's...

"Woah! Carrot, what's with all the plants?"
It was a special occasion.
Stake Conference.
The first 50 people in the door went home with a plant after the meeting.

No, not really.

I did wonder if they were rented though.
What do you do with all of those when you're done?
Return them?
That wasn't even all of them.
No, there was the exact same arrangement on the opposite wall.
Is there such a thing as a plant hoarder?
Maybe one person took all of these home.
We'll never know.
I suppose I could ask,
but I think the Stake President put me on "ignore" after I asked him about the last arrangement. 
It's almost like he has better things to do.