Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Because I like you...

Remember when I wrote about this...

And I was all,
"This just in, mint water tastes bad."
Then I was like,
"Save your money, chew some of your favorite mint gum, drop it in your water bottle and throw it back. Either that, or add a little water to your tiny mint extract bottle, and have a drink!"
Or something like that?
Honestly, I thought they'd go out of business.
Well, my friends they didn't stop there.
Oh no. They didn't.
They have orange mint....
lemon mint...mmmm..mmm...
and, hold on to your seats...

Need a trash can?
What genius came up with that?
Mint water - meh, maybe.
But CHOCOLATE mint water??
Disgusting in a bottle.
I can imagine some Metro Mint employee sitting around thinking,
"What could make this mint water better? Oh, I know! A candy bar!"
And somehow, he got everyone on board.
Not at any point in developing, packaging, marketing, etc. did someone say,
"Uh, hey guys...this tastes like crap. Maybe we should just leave chocolate out of water."
Is nothing sacred?
I mean, really.
Chocolate in our fruit, in our breads, in our cereal, in our milk, in our water???
What did chocolate ever do to us?
Except make us happy.
Is that a crime, that needs to be punished, so we're just going to throw it in everywhere?
What's next?
Chocolate chunk chicken gravy?
Chocolate grape soda?
Chocolate chip lasagna?
Have we no boundaries?
I'm thinking some chocolate company needs to contact me so I can promote just chocolate. In it's pure form.
I'll need samples first.
Lots of samples.
E-mail me for my address.


Lefty said...

I am volunteering my services to be your business partner in the chocolate idea. I will submit my address for you for the receiving of samples.

Heffalump said...

Chocolate water sounds disgusting. Chocolate chip lasagne though...with layers of whipped cream, chocolate sauce crepes for the pasta...I might go for that!

Stacey said...


That just ain't right.

Kristi said...

I was thinking the same thing as Heffalump...great minds!
Might have to do some experimenting.

Klin said...

I just drink plain old water with lots of ice. Why does it need flavor? Why those disgusting sounding flavors.

Lilac A. Rugg said...

Clearly you've never been to Singapore.

Remember when Olive Garden had chocolate lasagna? Those were the good old days.

Anonymous said...

Someone could just chew up an Andes candy and swig some water for the same effect.

I'm just saying...

lizlaughs said...

Not to gross you out or anything but one of my favorite treats at the movies used to be junior mints and sprite. Now I just drink water. And I'm not talking about the mint chocolate kind either -- that would be taking it too far.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I'm too offended to leave a comment. Are you trying to insinuate something by playing "The Elephant Walk" whenever I drop by?

Elephants endorse peanut flavored water....and maybe Republican flavored water too. Although I'm thinking that may taste kind of bland.

ucmama said...

I think someone should breed brussel sprouts that taste like chocolate. I might eat them then.

Heidi said...

Mint Chocolate in ice cream = good
Mint Chocolate in water = BAD, VERY BAD!

Sister Pottymouth said...

Chocolate pasta. My mom bought some when she visited Hershey, PA. She tried to make a dessert with it, but it was disgusting. Truly nasty.

Yvonne said...


Heidi said...

After reading all the above posts, I have to speak up. I think we should all get together and make that yummy-sounding chocolate lasagna. That sounded really good with the crepes, cream, yummo! :)
I'm with Carrot though, yuck! Who wants to drink an Andes mint that's been watered down that far? I'll just eat the mint and drink the water later.
Now, chocolate soda the old-fashioned soda-jerk way? Yep! Tasty!
Can I be your business partner in testing along with Lefty?

As Told By Molly said...

I think this water is for the multi-tasking yuppies that are too busy to drink and eat separate foods. Save time, save calories kinda idea. I'm for wasting time and not caring about calories and enjoying my chocolate and water seprately.