Whenever I hear this song, it reminds me of when I worked at my dads office. I was seating a patient in the operatory, and this song came on. The patient was an old military man, and he said, "Oh I've always liked this movie" when he heard the song.
I said, "Me too! You like Parent Trap?"

He said, "No, bridge over the River Kwai."

He gave me a disgusted look. I thought he was an old military man that liked girl movies, lol.
Everybody sing!
Comet, it makes your mouth turn green. Comet, it tastes like Listerine. Comet, it will make you vomit. So, get some Comet and vomit today!
This song was also in Ryan's Daughter.
Hey, I know that version too!
I love the graphics you use. This gave me a biiiig smile! When I was in kindergarten, we had to walk in a straight line to the auditorium. I started whistling that Bridge on the River Kwai theme song (because the line reminded me of being a soldier) and got in big trouble by my grumpy teacher who sent me to the principal. I thought it was funny. They didn't. I was happy I changed schools the next year to the place with the non-conformist hippie nuns. :)
My mom, sister, and I get together (ya ya ya) and can quote, and I do mean quote, the whole stinkin' original parent trap. I heart that movie.
I also love that the new wife becomes the potential MIL in the remake ;)
He probably secretly is a tough, gruff old military man who likes girl movies, he just doesn't want to admit it. You outed him and he was disgusted. I can see the whole thing.
Is THAT where that song comes from! What on earth were they doing, putting it in "Parent Trap"? Trying to bring back horrific memories to war veterans? An afternoon matinee turns ugly when they start sobbing midway through the movie...
Forget the war veterans millie, that song hurts the whistly-impaired people like myself. I rented the original version for my little heathens to watch, and they all started whistling in tune with Hayley Mills. Except for me. I can never wolf whistle at a sexy construction worker, or hail a cab. I can never go on a game show where they ask the contestants to whistle through a mouth of chewed up saltine crackers either. I'm a flawed human being. :(
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