Wednesday, January 16, 2019

I kid you not.

Overheard in the dressing rooms tonight...
Girl 1: Oh, don't get that! It makes you look like a shepherd.
Girl 2: Huh? What's that??
Girl 1: You know, like a Swede!
Girl 2: What do you mean??
Girl 1: (exasperated) You look like a Jehovahs Witness!!
Girl 2: Ohhh.


Sketchy said...

Being part Swedish I am somewhat offended by those comments... Swedish, Jehovah's Witnesses, Shepherders Unite!

dalene said...

Tee hee! That's funny!

Hey, what a minute. I'm part Swedish, too!

Natalie said...

I'm so confused and slightly amused right now! LOL!

Amanda said...

LOL! They probably looked a little like mormons too!

Michelle said...

I'm speechless.

Anonymous said...

Just curious, did you wait to see who walked out of the dressing room and see if it was someone you knew?
I once hired a girl like that to babysit. She heated up green beans in a glass casserole pan on the highest setting on my stove top. It exploded hot glass all over the kitchen floor and melted the vinyl. Not only did I loose my damage deposit, my son learned some very bad words that day!
My guess she was full blooded shepherd or something like that.

Elizabeth-W said...

I'm confused, too. I've never heard of JW's being called either shepherds or Swedes.
I need more information!

Mimo- JenK said...

Yeah, me too, never heard that before.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I'm thinking that whatever outfit the lady next to you had on, she probably looked like members of ABBA starring as shepherds in a Jehovah's Witness production of "The Greatest Story Ever Told."

There are no real mysteries in this world. There is always an explanation for everything, carrot.

carrie said...

LOL! Thanks for clearing that up for us EWl.

I don't know about shepherds but Swedes and J.W. for the most part are are very nice dressers.

Millie said...

I'd really like to know what she was trying on, that made her friend think of A) Swedes B) Shepherds and C) Jehovah's Witnesses. Is there any one article of clothing these three groups have in common? A belt, or something?

Carrot Jello said...

I didn't see what they were trying on. I did see one girl coming out of the dressing room. She was a chubby short girl with an orange tan, blonde highlighted hair, and lots of cleavage and jewelry. My ears perked up to listen only because they stopped saying "F YOu! No, F YOu!" Anything's better than hearing that.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I don't see how anyone with an orange tan and funky hair could look like and of the three options.

First reaction to that convo: "What the heck?!"