Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Monday, July 24, 2006

I'm tired of thinking up titles Last week I made freezer jam. Triple berry freezer jam. All I need to go with it was some homemade whole wheat bread, but it's been to stinking hot to make any. I awoke this morning to a cool breeze coming through my window, so I thought to myself, "Ah, the perfect morning to make bread has finally come!" I quickly went into my kitchen, whipped up some bread, and popped it into the oven. The problem? I started too late. I should have gotten up at 5, instead of 7 to make it. It's now 9 and it's still in the oven, heating up my house. I've made things worse. It's hotter in here now, than it was at noon yesterday. Now I'm in desperate need of friends with swimming pools. The problem is, I have no friends, and if I did, they probably wouldn't have a swimming pool. Nobody has swimming pools around here. Everyone just runs through the sprinkler the one week a year it gets hot. I could go to a lake I suppose, but to me, it's like swimming in stagnant water. I could lay in the bathtub, but I did that yesterday, and it only helped for a few minutes. I'm such a whiner. My grandpa always used to say "As a rule, man's a fool. When it's hot, he wants it cool. When it's cool, he wants it hot. Always wanting what it's not." So true.

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