I'm a bad example to my children. Very bad. As you may know, I eat things straight from the can. No, I didn't get it from my mother, I got it from my father. Growing up, we always had cans of stuff in our fridge. It drove my mom crazy. It disgusted her. But my thought is, why dirty a dish, when you can just eat it right out of the can? I eat refried beans, chili, baked beans, fruit, and more- right from the can. I don't put them in the fridge to save for later, I just make a meal out of it, and when I'm done, I throw it away. Well today, my daughter came home from school and was hungry. Usually I am pretty good about having something on a plate ready for them to eat when they get home. Muffins, cookies, sandwiches, etc. because I like to pretend I am a good mother. Today I was just too tired, so there was nothing on the table after school. Instead, I was sitting on the computer staring at my blog. A few minutes later, my daughter walks in. She's eating a can of chili. Yes, straight out of the can. Didn't bother me. Then my 8 year old sees her, and says "I want some!" and I told him that was the last can of chili. "Well, can I have some beans?" I shrugged my shoulders and told him if he wanted it, he was going to have to get it himself. A few minutes later, he comes in with refried beans, but in a bowl. Cold as can be, and still in the shape of the can. I smiled, and turned back to staring at my blog. A few more minutes go by, and my 3 year old comes in with a can, and a huge serving spoon. "I want a can!" he says. I look at his can, and it says "Chicken broth". So I tell him that he can't eat chicken broth, and proceeds to have a fit. I grudgingly take the can, and him into the kitchen to search for a can he can eat. He doesn't want fruit, he doesn't want refried beans. No kidney beans, no tomatoes with green chiles. "NO CAN FOR YOU!" I say to him. (Sorry, just doing a soup nazi impersonation). Then I gave him a cookie, and he went on his way. By now you're probably thinking one of two things. Either, "SICK! She lets them eat out of cans like they're rats or something!" or "Why on EARTH does she let her children eat in her bedroom??" and frankly, you'd be justified. Even in my head these things seem wrong. But at least they're eating and not starving, right? Now you know how pathetic I am. I let my kids eat in my bedroom (they take their food back out with them when they go), and I let them eat right out of the can. Go ahead, judge me. I couldn't care less. We eat off dishes breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but for snacks, we prefer cans. That's just the way it is.
I don't mind the can. But cold refried beans...ew. Can I have a cookie too?
LOVED the soup nazi impersonation!
I don't think the can would bother me either, it's the coldness of it all.
And what you let your kids do in your bedroom is up to you. However, yesterday my 5 yr old managed to get past me with some Ritz and he ate them in my bed. I was not at all happy when I tried to slide into bed and had cracker crumbs in there.
I'm such a wimp, I have to have a plate or bowl. Eating out of the can seems so Depression to me. Not that people ate out of cans during the Depression... heck, maybe they did. But I can't do it.
However, my kids do eat in my bedroom, and I wish they wouldn't.
Yep, it's the coldness that gaks me, too. Fruit would be okay, though.
So why were you just staring at your blog? That's my favorite part--I envision you just siiitttttttiing there, maybe even droooling.
Brilliant post title!
But the post itself might have yucked me out a bit.
It's spring break this week for us.I was downstairs doing laundry and blogging when I went upstairs I found all three of my kids in my un-made bed eating graham crackers and watching Sponge Bob.
I do believe this type of feeding comes after you have three or four. Inside a mothers brain: "Well, they are getting their protein"
PS we eat black olives straight from the can. Pork and beans when we are camping.
Glitters, Welcome! I'm not a big fan of refried beans in the can, but sometimes I git a hankerin' for them.
Rugs, I don't like crumbs either. Most days my bed is made, and they eat in the dining room.
Millie, we like to pretend we're in the depression. That way if one comes, then we'll be ready ;)
Elizabeth, I stare at my blog because it's so unattractive, yet I don't know how to fix it.
Omar, Thank you, and sorry.
Carronin, were they dipping them in milk?
PJ, I refuse to eat olives of any kind. To me, it's like eating salt out of a can. *shudder*
I don't mind eating things out of cans either, as long as they're supposed to be cold. I could do fruit, but I don't think I could do chili. Sometimes we use the empty plastic orange juice concentrate container for a juice glass when we make it. Hey, it's one less dish to wash! :)
LOL I have no problem eating from a can, though I do prefer a plate or bowl. And every room in our house gets eaten in, well except the bathrooms lol. But cold beans? Ew!
I'm not sure if I'm Ok with this or not...one the one hand they ate something relatively good for them, on the other you are one kooky weirdo...can't make up my mind.
I'll tell you after I finish eating my fruit coctail...
Cold chili with the orange glazed grease? hmmm...
I remember being a bit grossed out that my husbands family left open cans in the fridge, with no foil or saran wrap over them, and a big old spoon sticking out of the top.
But I do like to drink the pineapple juice out of the can of chuncked pineapple (not that I buy canned pineapple anymore, now that I have my own growing in my garden - it hasn't actually grown a fruit yet, but it's not dead either. i'm hopeful.)
I'm wondering why on earth you let them eat chili and beans cold!!! Now that is just wrong
I'm in agreement with everyone else. Cold chili? Bleh. But like you say, at least they are eating.
During Spring Break I will let my kids eat anything they can get for themselves. What? It's my break too!
Oh dear. You DO eat form cans!
I don't mind the whole story or the fact that you are eating cold food at all (as long as I don't have to do it)...but that picture of that creepy little kid is just creepy Carrot!
He makes me think of the "Children of the Corn" =:O
My husband likes to eat cold food from the fridge, usually leftover sgaghetti or taco meat-sure saves me time if he's in a hurry. But I have yet to catch him eating out of a can.
No, not milk a container of chocolate frosting.
Can you see me, carrot? I'm doing the can-can dance just for you! Ooops, not any more. I just fell on my can. :(
I once had a sister in the church compliment me when she stopped by unexpectedly and saw us using regular plates for lunch. She wouldn't stop raving about how families today are so informal and always using nasty paper plates and what a good mom I am for teaching my children proper dining etiquette by using real plates. Blah, blah, blah. I nodded and smiled. When she left I told Papi, "Crap, will somebody please remind me to get the paper plates next time at the store. I keep forgetting, and eating on regular plates is costing me a fortune in dishwashing time and soap expense." You eat out of cans. Infidels gorge from paper plates. It's all good.
Word Verification is UUUDJ. Ha! Like a stuttering record playing remix.
No, no NCS. That would "The Children Of The Canned Cream Of Corn." I heard that movie was really corny. Save your money.
(Children of the Creamed Corn. HA!)
I love your line, "Even in my head these things seem wrong."
I made it seem like all my snacks come out of cans. For that, I apologize. Sometimes I eat out of bags. Not shopping bags, popcorn bags.
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